Photo of Ariel Slack by Cameron Anderson

The Cultch Presents

How to Believe in Anything

By Ariel Slack

dreamphase productions (Vancouver)

Believing in the unbelievable is easy. 

Space-obsessed Sam is given an out-of-this-world opportunity the night of her 14th birthday. An alien (who looks suspiciously like her missing mother) promises a whirlwind adventure that will help Sam escape from the reality she’s living in. Instead of salvation the adventure leads to deadly repercussions. How to Believe in Anything explores what happens to the brain after sexual assault when you don’t have the language to process it, and how family trauma gets carried forward; intentionally and unintentionally.

“This is a show about how we can convince ourselves to believe in anything, no matter how impossible. And how, sometimes, that’s all we can do to survive. The digital edition let us tease out some of the more imaginary concepts in the show, creating a piece of hybrid theatre that bends perception and reality in ways the stage version couldn’t quite do.”
—Ariel Slack, Writer/Actor/Production Designer

“This film takes you in close and exposes the intimacy and vulnerability of Ariel Slack’s performance.  Simple, powerful design choices have elevated this Cultchivating The Fringe award winner to new heights.”
—Kris Boyd, Technology Director, The Cultch Online



FEB 17, 7:30PM



Box Office Hours

Phone: 604-251-1363

Summer Hours
Monday to Friday: 124pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Open 1 hour prior to every show


This show was picked by Cultch Staff! As the winner of the Cultchivating the Fringe Award, dreamphase productions received a residency at The Cultch, collaboration with our Cultch Online team to create this professional digital production of the show, and a presenting fee.

The Draw

“An engaging thriller touching on sci-fi, supernatural, horror, and fantasy.”
—Jay Minter, On The List

Show Credits

dreamphase Productions

Writer/Actor/Production Designer: Ariel Slack
Director: Christopher Lam

Stage Manager/On-set Coordinator: Julia Lank

Lighting Designer: Jonathan Kim

Sound Design/Composition and Post-Production Sound: Matthias Falvai

 Co-Producer: Shanae Sodhi

Cultch Team

Videographer and Editor: Cameron Anderson

Head Electrician: Ash Shotton

Head Audio: Neal Miskin
Head Electrician: Mariya (Masha) Birkby

Grip Carpenter: Daniel Guzman

Co-Producer: Kris Boyd

