Land Acknowledgment
The Cultch acknowledges that it is on unceded territories belonging to the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
Proud Partner of Indigenous Programming

Signing up for a shift
The Cultch Volunteer Program is incredibly blessed to have so many willing and enthusiastic volunteers. As an organisation, we strive to make shift releases as fair for all parties as possible. Please keep in mind that our programming levels will ebb and flow in volume. The nature of our programming will directly correlate with numerous shifts being available one month, and limited shifts being available the next. With a roster our size, there will be months you are unable to secure a shift–we ask for your understanding and grace, that you will not always be able to volunteer for an event you are excited for.
Once the volunteer opportunities have been filled, it is important to note a few things.
To add yourself to the waitlist for a show, please use the List View and go to the event description of the show you wish to be waitlisted for. The waitlist is not a guarantee you will be first in line for a cancellation. This tool is utilized by the Audience Services Manager, if/when they notice a cancellation on a full shift, in that delay any opening is free for others to claim. When utilized, waitlist participants will receive an email notification from the Audience Services Manager–informing them of the opening and encouraging them to sign in and sign up.
What are the “Ground Rules” for shift signup?
The Cultch’s volunteer shifts can be filled quite quickly due to our larger roster of incredible volunteers. Adherence to these ground rules will allow us to spread the joy of live events to as many of our wonderful volunteers as possible.
2. Shows with multiple days and showtimes, please only sign up for one slot for the first two weeks of the schedule being posted.
3. Please do not sign up to “place hold” on potential shifts.
4. If you can’t make it the day of a volunteer shift, please email [email protected]
5. When all the opportunities are filled, the events will disappear from Calendar View (except for people already signed up).
6. Remember to check the opportunities throughout the month. A slot may become open due to a cancellation.
7. If you are a new volunteer and do not have your volunteer t-shirt, please email The Audience Services Manager the weekday before your first shift.
What is a Typical Volunteer Shift Like?
You’ve Secured a Shift, What’s Next?
Timeline of events & responsibilities
Volunteers will arrive, sign in for their shift, store their belongings, get settled and await FOH briefing.
FOH Supervisor will give the volunteers a run-down of the event [estimated audience size, length of event, show particulars, any special volunteer duties] and provide a period for questions.
Often the FOH briefing will not require the full 15 min window before the public arrives. This period is ideal for training refreshers [seating maps, fire exits, etc.]
The Lobby will usually open 1hr before the event starts. At this time, the Bar (if operating) will be open and patrons are invited to hang out in our Main Lobby or Founders Lounge. Volunteers will be stationed at the front entrance. Duties will include: Greeting guests, providing basic show information [length, intermission, etc], providing general experience information [which way for balcony seating, where washrooms are, where the bar is, etc.], and scanning tickets.
The House [inside the theatre space] will usually open 30min before the event starts. The FOH Supervisor will make their rounds letting the volunteers and different departments know when the House is open. When the FOH supervisor lets volunteers know, the volunteers will split up. Some volunteers will stay at the front entrance and continue the duties listed in “Lobby Open”. The other volunteers will open the doors to the theatre, assisting guests in finding their seats [often one volunteer will go to the orchestra seating (main floor) and another will go to the balcony seating (if applicable)].
As the event approaches the scheduled start time, the FOH supervisor will begin ushering the audience towards the House. Volunteer duties will continue as before, until the FOH Supervisor informs the volunteer teams that they can move to their House closing positions. The front entrance volunteers will close the House doors [balcony doors and orchestra doors] and find their reserved seats. The House volunteers will assist remaining volunteers and also transition to their reserved seats. The FOH will remain in the lobby to await any latecomers.
We invite our volunteers to of course enjoy the show, but would ask that they remain in a state of passive awareness regarding the audience and room in general. Volunteers will be expected to help assist latecomers to find seats [flashlights will be provided when signing in]. In addition, we would ask volunteers to report any unorthodox audience behaviour to the FOH [unruly patron, medical issue, patrons filming or taking photos (when prohibited), etc.].
If your event has an intermission, you are more than welcome to use the washroom and get yourself ready for the second act. There will be occasions where the FOH Supervisor will assign intermission duties [please communicate with FOH or other volunteers if you need to be subbed out]. Closing the House will function similarly to the pre-start closing of the House.
After the event ends, the patrons will all vacate the House. The FOH supervisor will have bus bins stationed outside the Orchestra entrance and Balcony entrance. We ask that our volunteers help sweep the House for drink receptacles and larger garbage [gloves are of available in various sizes]. The FOH Supervisor does have a collection of post-show duties, but they will assist with the sweep and will ensure the House is ready for the overnight cleaning crew. Bus bins can be taken to the bar, where the bar team will begin the washing of glassware. Once the House is cleared, the volunteer shift will come to a close. Volunteers are welcome to enjoy any post-show lobby reception, or may choose to go home.
Please remember to sign out of your volunteer shift, return your flashlight/nametag, and collect your belongings. The FOH supervisor will then enter your volunteer hours into Better Impact. If you do not see hours reflected on your profile within 48hrs, feel free to inform the Audience Services Manager–they will add the hours retroactively.
Who will be present during a volunteer shift?
There are many parties you may run into during your shift.
This person is the Audience Services Manager representative during an event. Their function is to supervise the event and ensure all FOH departments are supported to succeed. They are there to answer questions from volunteers, event organisers, stage managers, bartenders, and patrons. If concerns or issues arise during your event, they are the best person to report to.
When the bar is in operation, 1-3 members of the bar team will be present. Their primary responsibility is the operation of the bar/concession and Lobby cleanliness. Feel free to ask the bartender for a free coffee/tea [when they are done setting up/not busy].
The box-office attendant will be located in the Box-Office during the pre-show and part of the performance. If you have a box-office question or need their assistance, please go to the service window prior to the House opening.
Other lovely Cultch volunteers may be present during your shift. The default/estimated volunteer number per venue is: GreenHouse = 1, C-Lab = 2, Historic = 4, York = 4. Occasionally an event will provide their own volunteers [especially if the primary event language is not English], this is never intended to stop Cultch Volunteers from signing up but to add additional support.
The technicians are responsible for the technical execution of the event, and are located in the sound booth or backstage.
These individuals will be with the event/show. If they have a request or questions, please feel free to direct them to the FOH Supervisor.
What is the Dress-Code or Uniform for volunteers?
The Cultch will provide a Cultch Volunteer t-shirt in your preferred size. This t-shirt is to be worn at all Cultch venues (Historic, C-Lab, Greenhouse, York).
The Cultch will provide reusable nametags for our on duty volunteers. This is an initiative to make our volunteer program more visible and accessible to the public. NameTags will also allow our vast volunteer program participants to remain on a comfortable and welcoming first name basis, regardless if it is the first shift or their millionth shift.These nametags are optional.
We would ask that the remainder of your volunteer outfit be clothes you feel comfortable moving and completing your volunteer duties in.
Volunteers are required to wear closed toed shoes while on shift.
If you did not receive a volunteer t-shirt at your orientation, please contact The Audience Services Manager a weekday prior to your first volunteer shift. Supplies allowing, the Audience Services Manager will then leave a t-shirt in your preferred size with the FOH on duty for your shift.
What are the perks of volunteering?
The Cultch is blessed to offer our stages to both new and established works. We feature artists at the beginning of the journey, and artists who have lived and breathed the arts for decades. As a member of our volunteer program, you will have the opportunity to experience everything from puppets to full scale circus shows!
Volunteers can enjoy a free tea/coffee during their shift. Additionally, other purchases [on shift or as a patron] you can enjoy a volunteer discount at the bar. Please self-identify as a volunteer to the bartender. Keep in mind, there is of course no alcohol consumption allowed during a volunteer shift.
If you wish to attend the Cultch as a patron, you can do so with a volunteer discount. Each year the Audience Services Manager will inform the volunteers of the Volunteer Discount Code. This code will be eligible for 20% off eligible ticket purchases. The announcement of the discount code will also stipulate the restrictions placed on the discount–please be aware of these restrictions prior to purchasing your ticket. In addition, the Volunteer Discount Code is subject to yearly review and budgetary limitations.
This particular initiative is subject to yearly budgetary review. If approved, the Cultch is happy to offer “active volunteers” [volunteers having recorded 4 volunteer shifts in the previous programming season–June 1st-May31st] with a voucher worth 2 tickets to a Cultch show in the upcoming season. If you qualify as an “active volunteer”, the Audience Services Manager will contact you with your voucher information [including expiration date, restrictions, eligible shows, etc.]. Please note, that you must be aware of the voucher restrictions prior to trying to book a ticket. Additionally, appreciation vouchers can not be extended past the listed expiration date.
From time to time, a show will extend complimentary tickets to our volunteer base. When these situations arise, the Audience Services Manager will contact volunteers. Volunteers may be asked to sign up for complimentary ticket offers. Tickets are awarded “as supplies last”, subject to stipulations outlined by the show/box-office.
Is there a feedback procedure?
It is important to us at The Cultch that we create and maintain a culture of healthy and open feedback and dialogue. The Cultch’s relationship with volunteers is a partnership, and we want our volunteers to know their voices matter. While we may not always be able to operationally accommodate all ideas, we are always happy to hearing ideas as well as offering operational insight and reasoning behind what we do. If you have feedback you would like to share or you need to report an accident or incident, here is the ways to do so:
The Cultch facilitates a yearly anonymous volunteer feedback survey. This survey is a great medium to reflect on a year of volunteering, share your experience, and dream of the future our volunteer program could embrace. The results of the volunteer survey will be reviewed by The Audience Services Manager and Executive Leadership. The goal of this initiative is to use this feedback as inspiration as we continually cultivate and foster the Cultch’s volunteer program.
The FOH Supervisors are there to support and solve shift issues and make decisions. Additionally, they can collaborate with you on an accident or incident report.
The Audience Services Manager hours are 9-5 Monday-Friday. Email is the most reliable method, and most messages will be responded to within 2 business days. The Audience Services Manager works events as an emergency fill-in from time to time and may not be present/available during your volunteer shift.
These meetings will function as a sharing opportunity and offering of operational insight. Decisions will likely not be made during such a meeting, but parties will receive a Cultch followup that summarises the meeting and The Cultch’s response. In these circumstances one of our directors or a board member may be present regarding the nature of the feedback.
*This option will be offered at the discretion of The Audience Services Manager, and only after other feedback options have been explored (talking to a FOH on duty, or touching base with the Audience Services Manager via email).*
What are the expectations for volunteers?
As Vancouver’s most diverse and innovative arts and cultural hub, The Cultch has created meaningful, impactful connections across communities for over 50 years. As a presenting theatre, we curate unique, intimate, and diverse performances from Vancouver, Canada, and across the globe — offering dynamic contemporary programming in theatre, dance, music, circus, and visual arts. We host vibrant gatherings and lively conversations around the issues, topics, and ideas that are presented in our shows. We remove barriers to access by providing ASL Interpretation performances and free tickets to those for whom cost is prohibitive. We are connectors, facilitators, culture changers, and we are committed to providing the highest level of service and care we can offer. We activate this work in our three theatres—the Historic, the Vancity Culture Lab, and the York—a gallery, and various multi-use spaces in the heart of East Vancouver, as well as our Cultch Online digital presentations that reach international audiences. We welcome everyone who loves live performance into our spaces and invite them to make The Cultch their home.
The Cultch values the diversity of its workforce, volunteers, patrons and visitors and is committed to providing a work environment supportive of human dignity and respect. It is the policy of The Cultch to ensure that every employee and volunteer is entitled to a workplace free of intimidation, discrimination, harassment, bullying and workplace violence. Harassing and/or discriminatory behaviours are those that are not welcome, which are personally offensive, which debilitate morale, and which therefore interfere with work effectiveness. Any and all conduct that is considered harassing, coercive, intimidating, hostile, bullying or offensive in nature will not be tolerated. We acknowledge our presentations and rentals may be challenging and can create discomfort. We prioritize employee and artist dignity, personal safety and self-determination of boundaries. This policy pertains to all employees and volunteers and extends to all of The Cultch activities, as well as other activities that take place on our premises. The Cultch will treat any complaint of harassment with seriousness, sensitively and discretion and acknowledge our responsibility to take appropriate action to stop such conduct.
Violation of these expectations may result in a volunteer being removed from the Cultch’s Volunteer Program/Roster.
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The Cultch acknowledges that it is on unceded territories belonging to the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations.
© 2023: The Cultch | A not-for-profit registered charity No. 11928 1574 RR0001